A Little About

Hallelujah Horse Ranch

This is a beautiful old horse ranch with lots of history and character. The work done here with Horses, Hurting Hearts, and Happy Owners is life altering.

Our Story:

Hallelujah Horse Ranch

The little girl that wouldn't get off her springy toy horse at age Four grew up to be a woman that cannot seem to be without horses. Must be in the genes.

Hallelujah Horse Ranch is really the creation of GOD as HE put the logo, the name of the ranch into Deborah's mind and opened doors that no man could open to make the ranch where and what it is today.

The ranch serves everyone that comes down our lane. From precious Foster children whose lives have been torn apart by parents or circumstances, to Soldiers that still cannot let go of the shock and trauma of war, to simple lovable children who learn that horses are really kind or even newlyweds seeking to find something they both can enjoy, Hallelujah Horse Ranch is a wonderful place where horses love on you and you meet and love some truly great horses.

Those who board here are blessed because we live on the property and are always watching out for your horse. From how much water he/she drinks to how much hay they ate to how much they are pooping. We are on top of it for you.

🏇 Our Vision

To make a welcome environment for horse and owner that creates peace in both their hearts.

🐴 Our Mission

Putting the horse's wellbeing and the owner's hopes formost.

Meet the Boss Lady

Deborah has the horse "gene" and is a walking encyclopedia of horse knowledge. With others on the ranch, she makes sure the programs, lessons and Boarding facility run smoothly. Deborah has been doing this work since 2007.

If you have questions about your horse or need a few new insights to accomplish your horse dreams, call Deborah. (949) 933-5689. You will find her to be compassionate, highly experienced and ready to help you succeed. Over the years Deborah has gained many National, Pacific Coast and International titles with the true Classical training technics that set her apart. She gives all the glory to GOD for how horses respond to her. "It is GOD who shows these things to me. HE made the horse and allows me a view inside."

You can learn what Deborah knows when you take lessons at HallelujahHorsemanship.com

Deborah Lindsay, E.A.aD.

Co-Founder & Lead Trainer

Our Photo Gallery

So much to do with a horse, so much to learn, so much fun

at Hallelujah Horse Ranch, LLC

Some Thoughts from Master Horsemen of the Past

If we learn from them, they have already made mistakes, so we do not have to.

Herein lies Wisdom for every horseman!




A straight horse is not the exclusive result of a visual approach [the horse looks straight because the](head, neck, ears, etc.) [aligned], but also [making] the horse symmetrical and straight in the sensations [he gives to the rider], with no more weight on one shoulder than the other and the feeling that one is sitting in the axis [of the horse].




"...if a man buys his horses skillfully, feeds them so that they can bear fatigue, and handles them properly in training them for war, in exercising them for the parade and in actual service in the field, what is there to prevent him from making his horses more valuable than when he acquired them, and from becoming famous himself in the art of horsemanship? Nothing except the interposition of...divinity."




"When the student has learned the natural seat on a normally trained horse, it will be necessary to teach him, as well, the deviations from this seat as required for a horse that is green or only lightly schooled. For this purpose, he should also occasionally ride such horses, and it should be pointed out to him he can remain in harmony with them as well by correctly distributing his weight; that is, how he can retain his balance while always being able to grip with his legs during particularly rough and violent movements.


Nuno Oliveira


" The bit is only to be used to feel the thoughts of the horse.




" The highest mental qualification of a horse is to be a free-goer; because such an animal, contrary to what is often thought, is neither irritable, nor sulky."




"The equestrian tact does not consist exclusively of the delicacy of the aids, but also in the choice of the aids used. And it is also in the smoothness of the aids as a whole."

Balance is Critical for the Horse and for you !

Perfect balance allows the horse to move freely and correctly, working his body in the most efficient and longevity building way. But if we hinder his movement he will never be great or reach his athletic best.

Take the time to learn the kind of fearless balance that will change everything between you and your horse! You will never regret learning this.